The IGEL D210 BIOS screen identifies itself as Phoenix MicroCore(tm) Setup Utility.
Hit the F2 key repeatedly on power-up in order get into the BIOS setup screens.
The BIOS boot options are organised a little differently to usual. In this case there are two lists, the first being headed Boot Priority Order and the second being headed Excluded from boot order.
Currently the D210 BIOS is showing me:
Boot priority order: 1: USB KEY: 2: USB HDD: 3: IDE 0: 4: IDE CD: 5: IDE 1: TRANSCEND-(PS) 6: USB CDROM 7: USB FDC: 8: Excluded from boot order: : USB ZIP: : USB LS120: : PCI SCSI: : PCI BEV: : Legacy Network Card : Bootable Add-in Cards : UNKNOWN:
As usual you can move items up and down the priority list and also move them between the two lists. If the BIOS detects anything in place (such as the Transcend Compact Flash card) it appears to the right of the colon at the end of the line.
As usual I haven't done anything with the native operating system.