
IGEL H830C: Model 

Which Model?

What is not obvious today is that the H830C was launched in two forms:

  • UD5 H830C fitted with Intel Celeron J1800 (Dual Core) CPU
  • UD6 H830C fitted with Intel Celeron J1900 (Quad Core) CPU

If you're looking to buy one hopefully the vendor has made clear what you're going to get. In my case the vendor described it as an IGEL UD6 LX (H830C) J1800 Dual Core - Thin Client. On booting it the firmware identified the H830C as a UD5-LX 50.

On my example of the H830C one way to see what you are getting is the pull-out label:

Igel H830C label

On one side of the label is the Model Name IGEL-H830C. The reverse side of the label carries the Serial Number along with ID CODE and the words (J1800 Dual Core). As this is the only example I have seen I don't know if this approach to the labelling is consistent throughout the product line's lifetime. There is nothing on my H830C I can see that identifies when this particular example was manufactured.

At the time of writing (Feb 2021) on checking IGEL's website it lists the UD2, UD3, UD6 and UD7 ranges. There is no longer any mention of the UD5 range. The UD6 hardware datasheet does not identify any 'Model Number' but the photo does match the H830C and the CPU is given as an Intel Celeron J1900 Quad Core.

Going to "Knowledge Base -> Hardware" once again produces a list of UD ranges without UD5. Clicking on "End-of-Life Products" and then "Datasheet Archive" does reveal the UD5 range, but there is only mention of the H700C, H710C and the H820C. There is no sign of the UD5/H830C.

However the EOL data on Igel's site does list the following models and EOL dates against a 'Device Type' of H830C:

Model NameEnd of LifeEnd of Maintenance
UD5-W10 50c  2017-10-15  2020-10-16
UD5-LX 502017-10-152020-10-16
UD5-W7 50c2017-10-152020-10-16
UD5-W7+ 50c2017-10-152020-10-16
UD6-LX 512019-07-312022-07-31
UD6-LX 512017-12-302020-12-31
UD6-W7 51c2017-10-202020-10-21
UD6-W7+ 51c2017-10-202020-10-21
UD6-W10 512020-04-012023-03-31

...from which we can see that the UD5 version shipped with Linux, WES7 and WES7+ (not sure what the '+' signifies).


Any comments? email me. Added February 2021