
Igel-W: Linux 


In the first instance I connected a CDROM drive to the IDE connector. However I first upgraded the amount of RAM from 32MB to 128MB:

DSL (4.4.10) boots and runs.

Tiny Core 4.2.5 Ran fine from CDROM.

As it's a conventional Geode GX1 configuration with a normal BIOS (very similar to many other thin clients such as the Neoware Capio) there should be no problems running various flavours of Linux.

[September 2012] I connected a Compact Flash adaptor to the 40-pin IDE interface. There is a convenient header nearby that can provide power for the CF adaptor - I used it to provide the 5V required by the adaptor. Tiny Core 4.6.5 booted and ran without any problems.


Any comments? email me.    Last update May 2012