
Thin Clients: HP BIOS 

HP SoftPaq Server

[November 2022] The HP SoftPaq FTP server used to be freely accessible but I find this no longer to be the case. Also, as far as BIOS updates are concerned, only the current info and BIOS files are accessible. Attempts to access earlier versions result in a 404 error message.

BIOS versions

HP provides updates for its thin clients (and other products) in the form of 'SoftPaqs'. These all sit on a server and are available for download - provided you know what it is you're after. A few years ago HP rejigged their support pages and I found the new format not to be as useful for my purposes as it had been previously. What we have here is a simple index just to the BIOS update SoftPaqs for the HP thin clients.


  1. I might check this table about once a year.
  2. If you are looking to update a thin client that is currently supported by HP then there might be a more up-to-date BIOS available. I suggest you Google the SoftPaq number (eg SP101848) and see what hits are returned from ftp.hp.com. If there has been an update you may well see two hits, the original SoftPaq, and the new SoftPaq. The second hit is because the new SoftPaq description includes the line 'SUPERSEDES: SPxxxxx'.
  3. If you find something has been updated please let me know by using the link at the bottom of the page.
  4. I suggest you first click on the 'info' link and satisfy yourself that the BIOS update file is the one you are after.
  5. I host a copy of the 'info' page locally. For the SoftPaq files the links go to HP's server.
  6. The HP server used to be a FTP server but these days modern browsers have dropped support for FTP. I have adjusted the links to use https.
  7. For some of the more modern BIOSs I have trawled through the SoftPaqs and hauled out all the historical releases and the 'fixes' and 'enhancements' associated with them. Where I have done this you will find a 'history' link below the BIOS name.
t5510: All Models
t5515: All Models
t5710: 800MHz model
786R11.07 Rev. A SP29470
info download
t5710: 800MHz model786R11.08 Rev. A SP29573
info download
t5710: 1.1GHz 1.2GHz models786R21.02 Rev. A SP29530
info download
t5135: All Models
t5530: All Models
786R31.03 Rev. A SP37649
info download
786R42.02 Rev. A SP49362
info download
t5145: All Models
t5540: All Models
t5545: All Models
t5630: All Models
t5630w: All Models
786R52.02 Rev. B SP49355
info download
gt7720: All Models
gt7725: All Models
786R62.03 Rev. A SP52265
info download
vc4820T: All Models
vc4825T: All Models
786R71.00 Rev. A SP43850
info download
st5742 Streaming OS Client
  w/Diskless Vista COA: All Models
st5747 Streaming OS Client
  w/out COA: All Models
t5740: All Models
t5740e: All Models
t5745: All Models
1.04 Rev. D SP55460*
info download

See note at the bottom
786R9v1.05 REV: A SP63097
info download
t5400786R10v1.01 Rev ASP52005
info download
00.01.07 REV: A SP134466
info download

00.01.12 REV: A

00.02.07 REV: A
info download

info download
t510786R11v1.05 Rev ASP62324
info download
00.01.13 REV: A SP132928
info download
00.01.12 REV: A SP152145
info download
1.20 REV: ASP71296
info download
HP t620 PLUS Quad Core
HP t620 Dual Core
HP t620 PLUS Dual Core
HP t620 Quad Core TC
00.02.19 REV: A SP115305
info download
00.01.17 Rev.A SP152018
info download

* The html file for SP55460 refers to the 786R9 BIOS. This must be a typo. The readme file in the SoftPaq refers to the 786R8 BIOS, the list of Thin Clients are those running the 786R8 BIOS and the BIOS itself identifies as 786R8.


Any comments? email me. Added July 2020    Last update January 2024