
Neoware Capio II Firmware 


The Neoware Capio II has a PhoenixBIOS - hit the F2 key on power-up in order get into the BIOS setup screens.


The default BIOS password is lambkeoghs.

Boot Options

On the Boot page there is a priority list of three devices. These devices appear to be fixed - at least I can't find a way to change the entries - and all you can do is alter the priority. In fact there are only two options: Network Boot and Hard Drive. (Network Boot appears twice).

There is a sub-menu for Hard Drive and this appears to fixed at Bootable Add-in Cards.


The Capio II boots into Windows CE 2.12. (Splash screen says Capio II by Boundless Technologies).


Any comments? email me.    Last update April 2011