As noted elsewhere my experience of the 3040 is that it will only boot in UEFI mode, not Legacy mode.
My initial attempts to create a stand-alone UEFI bootable version of Tiny Core failed and will be a subject for further work.
What I ended up doing was using Rufus to install Puppy Linux (fossapup64-9.5.iso) onto a USB pen drive. This booted and ran quite happily.
I then added the files for both the 32-bit and the 64-bit versions of Tiny Core 11.1 to the USB drive and found that I could boot either one of them quite happily as well, but I found the GUI would not run on the 32-bit version. I don't know why this is, but the same pen drive will boot into the 32-bit GUI on a Wyse Dx0D.
To add Tiny Core to the pen drive I did the following:
menuentry "Tiny Core 64-bit" { linux /tcboot/vmlinuz64 loglevel=3 tce=UUID="40B7-7B8C"/tce64 waitusb=5 kmap=qwerty/uk vga=791 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr:3 initrd /tcboot/corepure64.gz } menuentry "Tiny Core 32-bit" { linux /tcboot/vmlinuz loglevel=3 waitusb=5 vga=791 kmap=qwerty/uk tce=UUID="40B7-7B8C" video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr:3 initrd /tcboot/core.gz }
I put these at the top of the menu.
Note: Step 1 I did on one of my Linux boxes. The remaining steps I did on my Windows 10 system.
UEFI booting describes how I installed Tiny Core to the internal eMMC flash of the 5070. Like the 3040 this does not support Legacy mode booting.
Note: Others have discovered that the 3040 requires the file /boot/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI
to be present - see
Rob's Blog and other entries under the Links Tab.