Hopefully not an issue for anyone visiting this site, but here is a what's what about Cookies and other associated privacy issues.
This site does not place any cookies in your browser.
As is standard practice my hosting company maintains raw log files recording every page request to the site. This includes but is not limited to your IP address, the date and time of access, the URL of the page or image requested, the outcome of the request, and the User Agent (browser) making the request.
I do not make direct use of these logfiles but may occasionally access the data via the utility cpanel which provides anonymised summary information from those log files. For example the 'top 25' URLs visited during each calendar month, the geographical spread of people accessing the site, URLs generating 404 messages. I some times view this summary information to judge what is currently popular on the site and whether I should revisit any particular thin client write-up.
I do have a custom '404 error page'. I set this up in the first place primarily to provide an immediate 'go away' response to the bots attempting to hack into Wordpress admin directories and the like. These days they get a more polite jpg:
If the request is associated with the 'thin' section of the website I do record more general information (but not the originating IP address) in case there is something I can do to reduce the 404s - such as automatically redirecting frequent typos to the right URL.
I may (or may not) be making use of Google Analytics. If I am there will be some code (provided by Google) embedded in the header of every page.
As I'm not selling anything I have no interest in most of the information Google Analytics offers - and anyway it is meaningless in the context of the site. However it does let me see how people are accessing the site. From this I can see:
(1) Provides me with a driver as to when and if I adjust elements of the site to try and make things more mobile friendly.
(2) Lets me check that any changes I make to the CSS layout files are supported by the large majority of the browsers that are being used to access the site.
In December 2020 I noticed that the Google Search Console, under 'Core Web Vitals' was saying a large number of my pages "Need improvement" thanks to a FID (First Input Delay) of more than 300ms. A brief Google search indicated that the Google Analytics code itself might be a contributor to this so I've taken it out for now to see what happens....