Pegatron is not a name I'm familiar with but, as always, Google and Wikipedia are a great help.
Pegatron was founded in 2008 as a spin-off from ASUSTek Computer. They are essentially an OEM company providing design/manufacturing services to others. As far as I can see they do not manufacture Thin Clients, but their range does include small 'NetTop' boxes similar to the Acer Aspire Revo that appears elsewhere on this site.
In April 2020 I heard from Vitaly who had recently got hold of one of their small 'Cape 7' boxes.
The 'Cape 7' was described by Pegatron as a:
'TOWER - Tinny(sic) PC'.
It dates from 2009 and is based on an Intel Atom 230 CPU. Vitaly has documented the Cape 7 on his site in a similar manner to the way I document Thin Clients here.
Google will also find you various reviews from 2010.
Click on the image to visit Vitaly's site