
10ZiG 55xx: Firmware 


On power-up DEL gets you into the BIOS setup screen. Alternatively F12 will bring up a boot menu.

The BIOS is a standard Phoenix Award BIOS. The default BIOS password is 10ZIG (note: all in capitals).

The options for boot devices are:

  • Hard Disk
  • ZIP100
  • Disabled

This is one of those BIOSs where a USB flash drive appears as a hard disk, at least the 4GB SanDisk Cruzer USB flash drive I was using did. You need to go into the 'Hard Disk Boot Priority' setting to move it ahead of the onboard DOM. After that you need to have the 'First Boot Device' set to 'Hard Disk'.

As a giveaway to the 55xx's origins the Linux dmesg output includes:

Clientron U720/VX855 , BIOS 6.00 PG 08/03/2011


Any comments? email me. Added January 2021