
Igel H820C Disassembly 


It is relatively straightforward to get into the H820C.

Igel H820C disassembly
The starting point is to remove the four screws (circled) that are holding the back panel in place. Once they are off you can lift the back panel clear.

Igel H820C back view
At this point it is worth pausing briefly and looking at what is there - it will save you some potential confusion when you come to reassemble the unit. There are the four pillars that you've just taken the screws out of and there are four corresponding holes in the metalwork of the case - however these don't all line up. When you reassemble things you'll find they do line up at the bottom (serial port) end, but not the other. All will become clear as you refit the plastic back panel (which carries the screw holes).

Igel H820C back view
Having removed the plastic back panel you will find that you can slide the main chassis forward to get it out of the case that is acting as a sleeve.

As always just reverse the process to re-assemble. The location of the connector to the foot and the corresponding large hole in the chassis makes sure you orientate both parts correctly.


Any comments? email me. Added February 2022