
HP t5700: Linux 


In July 2010 I wrote:

As reported in the firmware section, I have successfully booted and run Tinycore Linux 2.11 from a pen drive.

The same applies to DSL 4.4.9.

From the comments below I guess I must have been using a PS/2 connected keyboard and mouse.

However on a revisit in March 2018 to add the CPU and PCI information to the hardware tab I had no problems booting and running Tiny Core 8.2.1 along with a USB keyboard & mouse.


In March 2015 I heard from Corin who reported:

I tried installing various linux distros but nothing could be installed mainly for two reasons:

  1. Most recent kernels require CPUs that support PAE. The t5700 CPU (Transmeta Crusoe TM5800) doesn't have the PAE extensions.
  2. The other distros I've tried and that ran on this CPU had problems recognizing the USB/Keyboard. I got error messages like [device descriptor read/64, error -110] and ended up with a USB mouse and keyboard with no power.

Distributions tested included:

Ubuntu 12.04 serverFAIL (no PAE)
Ubuntu 10.04 serverFAIL
Ubuntu 8.04 serverFAIL
Ubuntu 7.04 serverFAIL
Ubuntu 6.06 serverOK but requires install from optical drive
Ubuntu 6.06 Desktopbooted (a bit slow), but was not what i wanted
TTYLINUXno keyboard
DSL (4.4.10)WORKED but very buggy
System Rescue CD 1.0.0 and 3.8.8 no keyboard
Tiny Core (various versions)no keyboard
Debian 5.0 (and above)no keyboard

After two days I managed to install DEBIAN 4.0 ETCH using [mini.iso] netinstall and works like a charm.


Any comments? email me. Added July 2010    Last update March 2018