I quite like the Wyse Cx0 and for a while had one running as a local web server.
In November 2022 I heard from Paul who had gone down the Windows route:
Recently I was offered a cheap Wyse Cx0 and I found that combined with a cheap 5cm IDE cable and
a SD to IDE adapter off eBay the little Wyse is a brilliant retro gaming PC for Windows. VIA has all
the necessary drivers on their website - including Windows 98 and Windows XP.
Initially I had mine run Debian 11 off a 64GB flash drive and, as long as you use it headless
(no desktop UI), it is pretty capable.
Subsequently, as mentioned above, I switched to using an SD card and IDE-to-SD card adapter
which just fitted inside the Cx0 - see the photos below.
The short IDE cable and the SD card adapter.
The 5cm cable is just the right length. The adapter can be folded underneath the cable and it does
sit just clear of the board although you can add a small piece of card to ensure nothing shorts out.