
HP t5520: Windows 

Windows 98 and ME

In February 2024 I heard from Matthew in Texas:

I was able to pickup a pair of HP T5520 thin clients from eBay for $17 each. I successfully installed Win98 on one and WinME on the other including proper drivers for graphics and sound. It is important to install VIA 4 in 1 v4.43 drivers before installing the CLE266 graphics drivers and Vinyl Audio drivers.

Even though these units have only 128MB of fixed RAM, Windows 98 and Windows Millennium both run very well. I played Expendable and a couple other games with no issues.

I did replace the anaemic 64MB DOM units with Phison 8GB ones (model DOM-H44-8G.)

VIA are one of those nice companies who do still make available the old drivers for their early chip sets via their download portal which is currently http://download.viatech.com/en/support/driversSelect.jsp


Any comments? email me. Added February 2024