The TC5DW is fitted with an American Trends Inc BIOS. Hit the DEL key on power-up to get into it. It's version 08.00.15 dated 02/11/09.
There was no password set on mine. I don't know if there is a default password.
As one would expect from a reasonably modern thin client this will boot almost anything. It offers three slots (1-3) for boot priority. these can be cycled round USB, HDD, Network and disabled.
The TC5D/TC5DW/TC5DX runs Devon IT's DeTos operating system which is Linux based. Luckily the desktop does offer the option of opening an Xterminal which enabled me to check various aspects of the system before I managed to run my own version of Linux.
My unit was running DeTos v TC5:10.01.19.
In dmesg I see it's Linux version
As far as I can see all the downloads available from Devon IT's website are documentation. For software/firmware upgrades you have to fill in a form and wait for a response. They also ask: and tell us whether you purchased your devices from Devon IT, a reseller, Acer, Lenovo, Dell or another thin client hardware vendor. I don't know if eBay falls into the last category or what sort of response you'll get if you say eBay.